Early Days - NuDirections - The Project

NuDirections is a cherished not-for-profit project that I hold close to my heart. Some three years ago, I embarked on this incredible musical journey.

NuDirections started as a humble weekly radio show on a UK local community radio station, has now morphed into a significant global music platform with my musical friends that's tuning ears worldwide!

These past three years have taken me on learning curves of many new skills and I made some serious musical friends. Every day has become a new chapter, filled with lessons, and the joy of discovering fresh faces in the music scene. It feels like I’m just scratching the surface, and honestly, I can't wait to see where this journey takes me.

NuDirections has grown stronger, standing tall on its musical feet, and Now it's time to step confidently into the future. The road ahead looks exciting, and I'm thrilled about the adventures waiting for us.A massive thank you to all of my incredible musical friends who have joined me on this journey, and A huge shoutout to all of the followers, supporters, and listeners of the NuDirections project! Your love and enthusiasm have fuelled this musical odyssey, and I want to express my gratitude personally. You're all the heartbeat of this community, and I couldn't be more thankful.

And guess what? The best is yet to come! as NuDirections continues to evolve from just a music platform to bring you Blogs, Music videos, Images, and Albums we like with links to where to purchase, and introduce you to more music from around the globe. Together, let's make the next chapter even more unforgettable.

Significant Dates
May 2020 – Launched my first NuDirections radio show on a London community radio station!

Oct 2020 – NuDirections progressed to Vanderlay radio

Oct 2020 – NuDirections joined Mixcloud.

Jan 2021 – NuDirections left Vanderlay Radio and Mixcloud after realising the limitations and opportunities of a much bigger audience.

Jan 2021 – NuDirections began life as an Independent podcaster.

July 2021- NuDirections FM was conceived after talks with my musical friends joining me.

Aug 2021 – NuDirections FM (NDFM) was born. and I  decided to use the brand Balance for my showcase

April 2123 - I brought in a mix 'Jazz Matters' that became very popular and had a high listenership.

March 2024 - More changes - Due to the pressures of work, my private life and as I’m playing more Jazz and world music, I've decided to rebrand to Jazz Matters as my music platform, I have been encouraged by the enthusiastic response from my global audience. 

It has become clear that Jazz Matters was not merely a passing interest but a profound passion. Thus, I made the pivotal decision to transform Jazz Matters into my flagship brand, with a monthly showcase show, and supporting Jazz Matters with specials and selections throughout the month, dedicated entirely to the mesmerising realm of jazz and world music.

Jazz Matters is now a significant jazz/music platform, on 24+ music platforms, with thousands of listeners worldwide in 58 countries, and is now a haven for a diverse and discerning audience, uniting over 40,000+ open-minded music enthusiasts across the world in more than 57 countries making the beauty of music accessible to all corners of the globe.

I’m not just about playing music; I’m on a mission to spotlight the tunes that often escape the mainstream's attention, for a network of talented music aficionados and friends who have a deep passion for sound. I bring together the culturally rich and stylistically diverse, showcasing music that is both uncompromising and boldly innovative.

If I had to encapsulate the essence of Jazz Matters music content in one word, it would be "Jazz." Every show, special or mix is an odyssey through an ever-evolving soundscape, interweaving new compositions, cherished classics, daring experimental tracks, vintage gems, obscure treasures, and, at times, even music that challenges conventional boundaries.

In my pursuit of continuous growth and evolution, I will be taking a significant step forward by venturing into the exciting world of blogs, editorials, captivating images, thought-provoking interviews, and immersive music videos, ensuring that my listeners can further explore and embrace the melodies that have captured our hearts.

I sincerely hope that you will delight in this new phase of Jazz Matters. My journey is far from over, and as I expand my horizons, I’m excited to embark on this next chapter with you, my cherished audience, alongside me.

Enjoy the Music I Love.